The Fastest 2 Minutes in International Franchising

In 2014, EGS’ US franchisor clients are very busy finding licensees in over 25 countries. Our GlobalTeam™ of highly experienced international development project managers contributed to the following brief summary of the franchising environment around the world.

Asia China  Food quality stinks; new F&B franchises shrink
  Japan New, large scale US F&B investment
  Malaysia Government barriers for foreign franchises
  The Philippines New professional companies seeking US brands
  Thailand What coup? New franchise investment by major groups
  Viet Nam Just bring coffee brands
Americas Argentina You get paid in soybeans
  Brazil 95% local franchisors, government barriers to entry
  Canada True regional development beginning
  Chile Perfect market, except for the lack of people
  Colombia Show me the money and where it came from
  Mexico Selected areas booming
  Peru GDP/capita growth and resulting investment wonderful
  USA Franchise model in the birthplace of franchising in peril
Europe Czech Republic Small market, but a perfect European brand showplace
  Ireland Investors not quite back to investing
  Germany English not spoken and ‘We already have it’
  Poland Good franchise growth outside Warsaw
  Russia Really? Now?
  Spain Fast recovery, many investors seeking brands
  Turkey US F&B booming, despite tin pot ruler
  United Kingdom Analysis paralysis. Build a pilot first, then investors
Middle East Egypt Next year, really…
  Saudi Arabia New F&B brands entering. Permits to open units???
  UAE Abu Dhabi and ‘More fast food, please’
Others Australia 90%+ local, locals like local brands
  India Separate universe
  New Zealand The opposite of Australia, but few consumers
  Nigeria Really???
  Pakistan Not Karachi
  South Africa 90%+ local franchises to date, but a change is coming