EGS Biweekly Global Business Newsletter Issue 11, Monday, August 24, 2020

By William (Bill) Edwards, CEO of Edwards Global Services, Inc. (EGS)

 “I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter”, Walt Disney

“Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that is not why we are here”, Anonymous, Compliments of Karl Morningstar in a LinkedIn post on August 19, 2020

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will”, Zig Ziglar


We constantly monitor 30+ countries, 25 daily international information sources and six business sectors to keep up with what is going on in this ever-changing environment. Our team on the ground covers 43 countries and provides us with updates about what is happening in their specific countries.

Many of our newsletter readers send us their input and perspectives to help us publish a balanced overview about the world every other week.  Our contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter.

Highlights In This Issue

This issue focuses on what is happening in more than 20 countries that impacts new trends, health, consumer spending, business investment and travel. A few highlights:

  • Several countries in the Americas, Asia and Europe that have reopened are seeing COVID-19 cases rise
  • Countries are struggling to decide how to reopen schools
  • The UK economy has sprung back to life with July retail sale volumes higher than last year
  • S. movie theaters reopen this weekend, but it’s unclear if audiences will return
  • In the articles section to get a link to a daily updating country COVID cases chart

Where and Where Not Countries are Reopening Businesses

Many countries that started reopening businesses in late June are now seeing new COVID-19 cases as shopping and eating out increases. In most cases, the increases are due to people not wearing masks or social distancing despite there being laws that say they must do so. Nevertheless, consumers are spending in these countries, airports are functioning and business continues.

2020 Consumer Types – Who They Are and How They Live – Euromonitor

“Understanding what consumers are driven by, how they live and shop are key factors which businesses need to consider when approaching consumers. This webinar explores 11 key consumer types from lifestyle choices to buying habits and how each category is reacting to the current pandemic.”, AMRUTHA SHRIDHAR, Research Consultant – Consumer Insights, Euromonitor International, August 2020

Feeling optimistic: 71% of microbusiness owners expect to recover from COVID-19 financial hit within a year

“Feeling optimistic: 71% of microbusiness owners expect to recover from COVID-19 financial hit within a year: Revenue is down for 75% of small businesses, but business owners are equally confident that recovery will happen within a year, according to a new survey by GoDaddy. The “2020 Global Entrepreneurship Survey” included 5,265 small business owners around the world and measured the impact COVID-19 on microbusinesses, including business operations, finance, recovery, technology, and charitable giving. This survey was conducted by research firm Savanta in June 2020. The research surveyed 5,265 small business owners in Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the US. In the US, the survey included 500 small business owners with 25 or fewer employees.”, Tech Republic, August 19, 2020

3D Mapping The Largest Population Density Centers

Please visit the link below to see some amazing population density 3D maps around the world. Especially look at the difference between cities in China and the USA. 95% of the world’s consumers are outside the USA.  These 3D maps tell where these customers are around the world.

International Travel Updates

“How COVID-19 Is Continuing to Change the Way We Fly: The design of airplanes won’t be all that different from what we’re used to, but the feeling of being on them sure will. While airplanes offer less room for change—literally—than airports, the passenger experience in the air will get a makeover to rival the one on the ground. The first change fliers will notice, of course, will be the mandatory face masks…. The aviation consultancy Simpliflying predicts that the jet bridge will do double duty as a disinfection tunnel, misting passengers with a sanitizing spray. On board, fliers will find changes to cabins designed to assuage their concerns… Planes will also have new crew members. Both Etihad Airways and Turkish Airlines now have hygiene experts who act as health inspectors and ensure that fliers are following health protocols. (No mask? No seat.) An in-flight janitor, responsible for disinfecting high-traffic, high-touch areas like the lavatory, will also become the norm….”, Conde Nast Traveler, August/September magazine issue.

“Delta Air Lines to resume 50 international routes: Delta Air Lines announced Friday it will resume 50 international flight routes — all to Asian countries — this winter and into 2021.

Among the restored flights will be from Seattle to Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai.”, Fox Business, August 21, 2020

“Airlines amplify cleaning in coronavirus fight: American, Delta double down with new protocol: wo major airlines are doubling down with enhanced cleaning protocol to amplify aircraft cabin sanitization in the fight against COVID-19. American Airlines and Delta Air Lines are augmenting current protocol with respective new measures, Reuters reports, as carriers vie to boost consumer confidence in commercial air travel amid the ongoing outbreak.”, Fox Business, August 24, 2020

“IATA Medical Advisor Reports Studies Concluding Air Travel Is Still Safe: The collapse of demand for air travel that has invested the airline industry following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has two main drivers: the restrictions to international mobility imposed by governments to curb the spread of the disease and the natural fear of prospective travelers to spend many hours in a confined space in close proximity to total strangers. While travel bans are largely outside the control of airline operators, there is a lot the industry can do to educate the traveling public about the real risks involved in getting on an aircraft. Since general prevention measures have pivoted mainly on physical distancing and the need to maintain a distance of at least 3-6 feet between people, air travel is seen as incompatible with this requirement.”, Airline Geeks, August 23, 2020

“Singapore to allow New Zealand, Brunei visitors in first border easing: Singapore on Friday said it would reopen its borders to visitors from New Zealand and Brunei from next month, in the city-state’s first steps towards resuming leisure travel since it sealed its borders to control COVID-19 outbreaks. The city-state, which currently only allows official and business travel to selected countries, also said it would allow students to travel for study overseas if distance-learning was not available. The measures would take effect on Sept. 1, with various restrictions, the health ministry said.”, Reuters, August 21, 2020

“Prices plunge as tourists turn their backs on foreign holidays: Holiday prices to Greece and Turkey have dropped by almost 30 per cent as nervous Britons begin to turn their backs on international tourism. Travel companies are offering heavily discounted trips overseas as industry experts said that fears of quarantine being introduced at 30 hours’ notice were putting off holidaymakers. Research by Travel Supermarket, a comparison site, found that on average the cost of holidays to Greece and Turkey, where there is no quarantine, have fallen by an average of 28 per cent. A week in Italy has dipped by more than 50 per cent.”, The Sunday Times of London, August 15, 2020

“Qatar Airways Continues UK Expansion: Qatar Airways (QR) announced today that it would continue to rebuild its UK network by adding London Gatwick (LGW) back on its destination list for the first time. The decision comes after UK and worldwide restrictions on flights during the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown start to ease. With this announcement, it will now see the carrier increase its UK network to four destinations with more to follow. This is a good sign, as restrictions to certain countries around the world continue to be eased.”, Airways, August 14, 2020

“Airbnb Has Banned House Parties Indefinitely: Groups of more than 16 will have to book elsewhere. Now, the company is taking its tactics a step further, officially and indefinitely banning house parties at all future Airbnb bookings across the globe. With bars and restaurants in stages of reopening around the country, ‘some have chosen to take bar and club behavior to homes, sometimes rented through our platform,’ says Airbnb in a statement.”, Conde Nast Traveler, August 20, 2020

“JetBlue confirmed its much-anticipated London flights will be delayed: JetBlue Airways CEO Robin Hayes confirmed to Bloomberg on Thursday that the airline’s launch of transatlantic flights will be delayed to late-2021. Flights to London from New York and Boston were announced in April 2019 with new planes ordered to fly the routes.”, Business Insider, August 17, 2020

Latin America

“Latin America: The global epicenter of COVID-19: The number of COVID-19 cases in Latin America and the Caribbean has positioned the region as the global epicenter of the virus. Health professionals and regional experts are warning that if nothing is done, the region will see major setbacks, including a massive rise in poverty and a rise in authoritarianism, as leaders see an opportunity to crackdown on dissent. Latin America, which accounts for 8% of the world population, has reported nearly 30% of the global fatalities.”, CBS News, August 14, 2020


“Shopping Centre Council warns landlords can’t keep supporting rent: Nationwide rental assistance to retailers has eclipsed $1.6 billion, according to the Shopping Centre Council of Australia, with the largest level of support given to cafes and restaurants, followed by retailers such as hairdressers, beauty salons and nail bars. The relief data was released by the Council to give a “real dollar value” to the support it has extended to the retail industry – and to say that it’s unlikely shopping centre owners can continue to do so.”, Inside Retail, August 14, 2020. Compliments of Jason Gehrke, Managing Director, The Franchise Advisory Centre, Brisbane

The Caribbean

“Cayman Islands says no cruises allowed for the rest of 2020: The Cayman Islands, a once-popular destination within the cruise industry, has announced that it will be closing itself to cruise tourism until the end of this year. This news comes as international cruise lines have only just started to return to the waters.’< Fox News, August 18, 2020

Mainland China

“China Eases Entry Rules for Citizens of 36 European Countries: China has relaxed entry restrictions for some European countries’ citizens with valid residence permits, offering a route back into the country for thousands of people displaced by border closures and cancelled flights amid the coronavirus pandemic.”, Caixin Global, August 13, 2020

“US and China to double weekly flights, handing lifeline to grounded carriers facing industry’s worst travel slump: Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Xiamen Airlines will be allowed to double their weekly US services to eight round trips. A day earlier, the Civil Aviation Authority of China (CAAC) gave the green light for Delta Air Lines and United Airlines to increase their weekly China services to two round-trip flights.”, South China Morning Post. August 19, 2020

“United Airlines To Double San Francisco-Shanghai Services: Having resumed its flights to China in June, United Airlines (UA) will now double its San Francisco-Shanghai frequencies. Starting on September 4, the airline will operate four weekly flights using its Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. The services from the US to China will be on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 11 am. On the other hand, flights from Shanghai to San Francisco will be Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 9:40 pm.”, Airways, August 19, 2020

“Shanghai Disney Resort to increase capacity, update reservation system: Next week will be especially magical at Shanghai Disney Resort, as the Chinese theme park increases daily guest capacity and debuts a simplified reservation system for greater flexibility. Shanghai Disneyland announced the changes on Monday, revealing that the updates will take effect on Aug. 24. In a statement posted to the park’s website, officials cited new guidance from China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism in allowing the expanded guest capacity; the ministry recently issued a notice allowing tourist sites to bump their operational capacity from 30% to 50%.”, Fox News, August 17, 2020

“Mainland-listed companies’ first-half profits provide a peek into sectors leading China’s economic recovery after Covid-19. Over 55 per cent of the 732 companies that have reported earnings have posted a year on year increase in profits. Companies in sectors such as brokerages, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals led the pack in terms of profitability.”, South China Morning Post, August 2020

“Premium Retailers Ride China’s Recovery From Covid-19 Crisis: From autos to liquor, higher-end retailers are thriving as Chinese consumers bounce back. The coronavirus pandemic has created a divide in China’s consumer economy, with makers of premium products rebounding strongly but those catering to mass-market consumers finding it tougher to return to growth. Driving the trend: the relative stability of upper middle-class incomes in China throughout the pandemic, with many white-collar workers able to work and ride out the crisis from home. In contrast, up to 80 million Chinese people, mainly lower earners in services and manufacturing, have lost their jobs this year as a result of the pandemic, according to the state-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.”, The Wall Street Journal, August 19, 2020

“Alibaba Quarterly Sales Soar as Concerns Linger Over U.S. Pressure: Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. reported better-than-expected quarterly results as sales rebounded to the pre-pandemic level. But rising policy uncertainties from the U.S. still cast a shadow over its outlook. Alibaba posted 34% year-on-year growth in sales for the quarter ended in June to 153.8 billion yuan ($22.2 billion), beating Wall Street estimates. Net income totaled 47.6 billion yuan, surging 124% from the same period last year. The company said its number of annual active consumers in China rose by 16 million during the June quarter to 742 million.”, Caixing Global, August 21, 2020


A detailed European country update on the status of franchises as we hope to come out of the COVID-19 crisis is available in this recent ‘Global Franchise’ online article.

“Financing the EU’s recovery Increased budget ceiling and (new) EU revenues”, Deutsche Bank Research, August 5, 2020


“France plans masks at work as daily COVID-19 cases surpass 3,000: Employment Minister Elisabeth Borne said she would propose on Tuesday at talks with employer and union representatives that masks be compulsory in collective workspaces. ‘A theme that appears in all scientific opinions is the value of wearing them (masks) when there are several people in a confined space,’ Borne said in an interview with French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche. Doctors have increasingly called for masks to be required in the workplace while the HCSP, a body advising the government on health policy, issued a recommendation calling for masks to be compulsory in all common indoor spaces.”, Reuters, August 15, 2020


“Greece tells students to wear masks when schools reopen Sept. 7: Greek teachers and students will be required to wear masks in class and indoor spaces when schools reopen in September due to a surge in COVID-19 infections, the country’s education minister said on Monday. The rise in coronavirus cases in recent weeks has forced Greek authorities to gradually reimpose restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19.”, Reuters, August 24, 2020

On Sunday, Greece reported 284 new cases, a new daily record since its first case surfaced in February. In total, the country has registered 8,664 COVID-19 infections and 242 deaths.


“Visitors to Iceland Will Now Have to Get Tested for COVID-19 Twice, and Quarantine in Between: Visitors can also chose to skip the tests by staying in quarantine for 14 days. Visitors to the country will now be required to get tested twice: once upon arrival and then a second time a few days later, quarantining for five to six days in between, according to the country’s Directorate of Health.”, Travel & Leisure, August 21, 2020


“On 7 August we opened a pop-up store in Fukuoka airport located on Kyūshū island, one of Japan’s food hot spot. This new pop-up store features, amongst others, products from local producers – honey, fruits, snacks and iconic local craft brands including ceramic and homeware. This store is in line with our and Made in Pierre Hermé’s CSR commitments of promoting and supporting local economies, producers and artisans.”, Lagardère Travel Retail, LinkedIn post, August 21, 2020


“How big businesses in Singapore are managing the challenges of coronavirus: The coronavirus pandemic has thrown into sharp focus the role of government in supporting the economy during periods of crises. But it has also highlighted the role big business can play. Look at Singapore. As the Asia-Pacific headquarters for many major corporations, the country has long invested in business stability even as geopolitical tensions flare globally. So when a spike in Covid-19 cases threatened to tip that equilibrium, authorities moved quickly, announcing more than $73 billion in stimulus — with the latest top-up just last week.”, CNBC Make It, August 23, 2020

South Korea

“South Korea imposes coronavirus lockdown rules following nine days of triple-digit increases in new cases: Health Minister Park Neung-hoo announced new bans on large gatherings, with closures for beaches, nightspots and churches, as well as removing fans from professional sporting events. The government said it did not take the decision lightly, but felt the restrictions were necessary after nine straight days of triple-digit increases in infections.”, Fox News, August 22, 2020

“South Korea’s Coronavirus Return Looks Familiar, With a Church at the Center: Recent surge in Covid-19 cases, like February outbreak, involves a church and an inability to locate all the followers. The country is teetering on the verge of a national outbreak, local health officials warn, and faces a possible return of its most stringent social-distancing measures in the coming days. On Friday, the country reported 324 new virus cases—its largest one-day rise since March 8. Daily infections have hit triple digits for more than a week straight.”, The Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2020


“Why Being Grounded for Months Was the Best Pandemic Outcome for This Airline: U.S. airlines are flying all they can and selling cheap fares to fill planes. Copa was required by its government to do the opposite. It effectively stopped flying for months. It lost a lot of money in the second quarter, but perhaps not as much as you might think. Copa, which has just one domestic route, is back in business, but only in a small way. Thanks to Panama Government Executive Decree No. 300, Copa is launching limited flights to New York, San Jose, Costa Rica, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and Quito and Guayaquil in Ecuador. Assuming it goes OK, the government should allow more flights next month.”, Brian Sumers, SKIFT, August 21, 2020


“Poland to reopen schools despite new coronavirus record: Poland on Monday insisted it would reopen schools next week for the first time since mid-March despite reaching a record high number of daily registered coronavirus infections late last week. Poland was at first successful in containing the outbreak, but cases have started rising in recent weeks and on Friday authorities reported 903 new infections, the highest daily increase to date.

The rise in infections has caused concern among some parents contemplating sending their children back to class.”, Reuters, August 24, 2020


“Portugal dropped from UK quarantine list: Rush to book as travel curbs end on Saturday. Portugal has finally been ruled safe for travel by the government, with airlines and holiday companies expecting a surge in bookings from Britons desperate for a late summer getaway.”, The Times Of London, August 21, 2020


“Russia’s economic contraction. Russia’s economy felt the full effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the first half of 2020, according to a new report on the federal budget published by Russia’s Accounts Chamber. The report said that in the second quarter, the economy contracted by 8.5 percent year over year, real disposable incomes decreased by 8 percent, retail turnover declined by 16.6 percent and unemployment increased to 6.2 percent in June. The report noted that the peak of the economic decline was in April, and that a slow recovery in a number of indicators has been seen since then.”, Geopolitical Futures, August 20, 2020


“Singapore relaxes coronavirus travel restrictions for mainland China, Taiwan and Malaysia: Passengers from ‘low-risk’ territories – which also include Vietnam, Macau and most of Australia – will serve seven-day stay-home notices, rather than 14. Travellers from Brunei and New Zealand will not need to serve a stay-home notice at all, but will be tested at the airport.”, South China Morning Post, August 21, 2020

“Singapore announces another $5.8 billion to boost its coronavirus-hit economy: Singapore reported one of the worst economic contractions in Asia for the first half of the year. Its open and trade-dependent economy has taken a hard hit, as lockdown measures around the world aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus halted much of global economic activity.”, CNBC, August 19, 2020


“Socialising pushes Spain’s Covid-19 rate far above rest of Europe : Surge in cases may affect reopening of schools, officials warn. Coronavirus is spreading far faster in Spain than in the rest of Europe, confronting the country with a race against time to bring the outbreak under control before the return to school and work next month following the holiday season.”, The Financial Times, August 21, 2020

“Apple stores reclosing in Madrid following COVID-19 surge: Apple is reclosing four stores in Spain. It comes after a fresh wave of COVID-19 cases in the country. It bring the total number of stores closed to five.”, iMore, August 21, 2020

South Africa

“Alcohol for sale again as South Africa eases lockdown: A ban on the sale of alcohol and tobacco will be lifted in South Africa in a significant easing of the lockdown to restart the economy. President Ramaphosa said that nearly all restrictions on economic activity would end amid signs that infections had slowed significantly. In a televised speech he acknowledged that nearly five months under some of the world’s strictest measures had been “extraordinarily difficult”, with millions suffering ‘hardship and hunger’. South Africa still has the fifth-highest number of cases in the world with 583,653 infections registered. Yet its mortality rate is lower than in Europe at 11,677 deaths, and the number of daily confirmed cases has more than halved over the past week. Provincial borders will open from tomorrow for leisure travellers, although international borders are expected to stay closed until 2021. Bars and gyms can also trade but a 10pm curfew remains in place.”, The Sunday Times, August 17, 2020

United Kingdom

“UK economy springs back on summer of spending: Purchasing managers’ index at 7-year high while shopping levels move above pre-coronavirus levels. Britain’s economy leapt back to life at the height of summer as consumers rushed out of lockdown to start spending freely — attracted by the government’s incentives to visit pubs and restaurants. After months of staying home and tightening their belts, data yesterday showed shoppers spent more in July than before the pandemic hit, with businesses also reporting stronger activity in August.”, The Financial Times, August 21, 2020

“Tesco plans to create 16,000 new permanent roles to support growth in its online business.  The country’s biggest supermarket chain has benefited from increased food sales due to the pandemic. Grocery sales have grown at their fastest rate since 1994, up 16.9 per cent to £31.6 billion, and online sales have risen from 9 per cent of total sales before lockdown to more than 16 per cent.  The new roles will include 10,000 to make up orders, 3,000 delivery drivers, plus other roles in stores and distribution centres. The jobs are in addition to the 4,000 jobs created since the start of the pandemic. Tesco has 3,635 shops in Britain and Ireland, employing around 320,000 people.”, The Times of London, April 24, 2020

“Coronavirus: Bowling alleys, stadiums and salons have lockdown rules eased – as mask fines doubled: The maximum fine for not wearing a mask is to double from £1,600 and fines of up to £10,000 are planned for hosting illegal raves. But at the same time, the PM says lockdown rules will be eased to allow: Bowling alleys, skating rinks and casinos to reopen for the first time as well as indoor play and soft play centres; Beauty salons, tattoo studios, spas and barbers in England to offer all close contact services and treatments; Sit-down wedding receptions for up to 30 people to resume in coronavirus-secure premises; Indoor arts and music performances with socially distanced audiences; Sports and business events pilots to resume.”, Sky News, August 14, 2020

“Qatar Airways (QR) announced today that it would continue to rebuild its UK network by adding London Gatwick (LGW) back on its destination list for the first time. The decision comes after UK and worldwide restrictions on flights during the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown start to ease. With this announcement, it will now see the carrier increase its UK network to four destinations with more to follow. This is a good sign, as restrictions to certain countries around the world continue to be eased.

“Coronavirus: Airport testing could end ‘quarantine roulette’ for holidaymakers – but how would it work? Bosses at Heathrow Airport say it would allow those who test negative to spend less time in quarantine. Heathrow Airport wants to test passengers arriving from certain countries for coronavirus when they enter the UK, potentially allowing them to spend less time in quarantine if they test negative. Airport bosses are calling on the government to approve the scheme, which would allow Britons returning to the UK from “at risk” countries to leave quarantine between five and eight days after they land – instead of the current 14.”, Sky News, August 19, 2020

“Poll: Two thirds of (UK) parents intend to send children back to school: All schools across England are scheduled to return full-time from September. A new poll showed 69 per cent of parents intend to send their children back. Almost a third of parents said they don’t feel comfortable sending children back.”, The Daily Mail, August 21, 2020

“Numbers eating out in UK surpass pre-lockdown levels by a quarter: The first two weeks of the UK government’s Eat Out to Help Out dining scheme has seen the number of people eating in restaurants from Monday to Wednesday increase by an average 26.9% year-on-year. This compares to an average 21.3% year-on-year decline for Thursday to Sunday in the same period, according to data published by OpenTable, a restaurant booking service. One effect of the scheme is that it has encouraged some restaurant goers to eat out Monday to Wednesday, instead of during the other days, according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR).”, Yahoo Finance, August 17, 2020

United States

Movie theaters reopen this weekend, but it’s unclear if audiences will return: AMC, Regal, Cinemark and Marcus Corp and other major theater chains are reopening their doors to the public Friday after five long months of being shuttered due to the coronavirus. But even with stringent safety protocols and new film releases, moviegoers may be hesitant to return to cinemas.”, CNBC, August 21, 2020

“U.S. business activity surges to early 2019 levels: Markit flash PMI: Data firm IHS Markit said its flash U.S. Composite PMI Index rose to a reading of 54.7 this month – the highest since February 2019 – from 50.3 in July. Its flash – or preliminary – indicator for the manufacturing sector stood at its highest since January 2019 and for the services sector it was the highest since March 2019.”, Reuters, August 21, 2020

“Domino’s Pizza plans to hire 20,000 U.S. team members to serve ongoing demand: Domino’s Pizza, the international pizza franchise with upward of 17,100 stores, is looking to radically expand its U.S. workforce with the planned hiring of 20,000 new team members as soon as possible. This extends across both corporate and franchise stores, and the roles available aren’t just for pizza makers; supply chain experts, managers, and customer service representatives are just a handful of the other positions on offer.”, Global Franchise Magazine, August 18, 2020

“American Airlines Group Inc said Thursday it plans to suspend flights to 15 U.S. airports in October as travel demand remains low as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Congress has been weighing for weeks whether to grant U.S. airlines another $25 billion in payroll assistance that would keep tens of thousands of airline workers on the job for another six months and extend minimum service requirements. American said it will cancel just over 700 flights in October to and from those 15 airports but warned it could make additional cuts or could reconsider if Congress provides additional assistance.”, Reuters, August 20, 2020

“How US companies and people are adjusting to the pandemic: A nationwide survey measures views on mental-health impacts, safety measures, and new working models. Faced with the persistent threat of COVID-19, companies and people in the United States must make tough decisions about when to return to workplaces and resume normal activities. To help address the issues they face, McKinsey conducted a nationwide survey and interview program in partnership with Business Roundtable. Scroll down to view findings with respect to four topics: the mental-health impact of the crisis, the factors that people say would make them feel safer returning to normal activities, the safety measures employers are implementing, and the need for new working arrangements if schools partially reopen.”, McKinsey & Company, April 24, 2020

Articles And Charts About Doing Business in The Times Of COVID-19 and Beyond

“Global COVID-19 Containment: Confirmed Cases, Updated Daily: This continuously updated chart from Our World in Data provides a more complete look at the efficacy of COVID-19 containment strategies, sorted by country. It is a variation of the Epidemic Curve (or “epi curve”), showing confirmed COVID-19 cases per country in relation to their testing rates—what’s revealed is the strength of each country’s containment strategy.”, Visual Capitalist, August 17, 2020

“Redrawing the Map of Global Trade: As it destabilizes economies, intensifies geopolitical friction, and exposes the risks of current global manufacturing and supply networks, the pandemic is also likely to redraw the map of world trade. To visualize these shifts, we have prepared two maps depicting major trade corridors. One shows the actual change in trade volumes from 2015 through 2019; the other projects changes from 2019 through 2023 under our baseline economic scenario.”, Boston Consulting Group, July 2020

“An airline cabin crew reveals the reality of working during coronavirus pandemic: One of the industries hit the hardest is aviation. While we’re all doing our bit and staying on the ground in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus, some planes are still flying to cater for those who must travel. That means that some airline crew from around the world are still working, putting themselves at risk daily to help people get where they need to be. Requiring face masks, mandatory temperature checks and little-to-no meal service are just some of the drastic steps airlines are taking to limit the spread of the virus. Plus, the measures to limit contact between the crew and passengers on board. Alex is a senior cabin crew member for British Airways. She agreed to document a recent flight from London to Hong Kong to give a snapshot of what it’s like to fly right now — and potentially for some months to come.”, The Points Guy, August 22, 2020

Who We Are And What We Do

Edwards Global Services, Inc. (EGS) provides a complete International solution for U.S. businesses Going Global. From initial global market research and country prioritization, to developing new international markets and providing operational support around the world. Our U.S. based executive team has experience living and working in many countries. Our Associate network on the ground overseas covers 40+ countries.

Founded in 2001, Edwards Global Services, Inc. (EGS) takes U.S. businesses global and currently has activity in 25 countries.  Our Clients are all consumer-faced brands.  Edwards Global Services, Inc. (EGS) has twice received the U.S. President’s Award for Export Excellence

Find out more about the services we provide U.S. companies Going Global at:

William Edwards, CFE, is CEO and Global Advisor of Edwards Global Services (EGS). William Edwards has 46 years of international operations, development, executive and entrepreneurial experience and has lived in 7 countries.   With experience in the franchise, oil and gas, information technology and management consulting sectors, he has directed projects on-site in Alaska, Asia, Europe and the Middle and Near East.  Mr. Edwards was named to the District Export Council of Southern California by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce in 2016 and again in 2019.

For global cross business sectoral updates and advice, contact Mr. Edwards at or +1 949 224 3896.