Biweekly Global Business Newsletter Issue 117, Tuesday, September, 2024

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Commentary about the 117th Issue: In some countries people spend more per year on their pets than their kids! Amazon calls almost everyone back to work in offices. Four companies spent US$52.9 billion last quarter alone on property and equipment. Take a look at which countries have minable reserves of the chemicals needed for the switch to renewable energy. 

The business book to read now is How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain” by Peter S. Goodman. The use of coal for energy continues to rise, just ask China. The top 14 largest countries in the Americas by population size have all seen nearly 40% population growth between 1990–2023. US consumer sentiment is rising. And countries are moving up and down in the latest GlobalVue™ country ranking as places to do business.Editor’s Note: You will see small ads in each edition for carefully vetted companies that serve international businesses. Please click on the ads or use the QR code to see what each of our carefully chosen advertisers can do to make doing global business easier.


Edited and curated by: William (Bill) Edwards, CEO & Global Advisor, Edwards Global Services, Inc. (EGS), Irvine, California, USAContact Bill with any questions, comments and we welcome contributions.

+1 949 375 1896


The mission of this newsletter is to use trusted global and regional information sources plus our network of 20+ in-country Associates to update our global readers on key global and local trends that can impact the success of their businesses at home and abroad. We subscribe to about 40 international information sources to keep our readers up to date on the world’s business.  Some of the information sources that we provide links to require a paid subscription for our readers to access.  


First, A Few Words of Wisdom From Others For These Times

“Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in a cradle forever.”, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

“We’d never have got a chance to go outside and look at the earth if it hadn’t been for space exploration and NASA.”, James Lovelock 

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”, Helen Keller


Highlights in issue #117:

  • Brand Global News Section: Dominos®, Franchise Update Media, International Franchise Association and Toridoll®


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Interesting Data, Articles and Studies

GlobalVue™ – The latest quarterly 40 country ranking as places to do business chart can be downloaded on readable format at:  The ranking of countries in red have change substantially since May.


Amazon CEO Vows Leaner Teams Amid Bloat, Ends Work From Home – Company is targeting bureaucracy after ballooning in size Jassy acknowledges RTO policy will require ‘adjustments’. The shakeup, announced in a memo to employees on Monday, echoed what some company veterans have been whispering for years: It’s become harder to get things done at Amazon. Stories of endless deliberation, unnecessary meetings and layers of approval have become commonplace at a company that fashions itself as a collection of teams charged with operating like startups., Bloomberg, September 16, 2024


Emerging Technologies – From the wheel to the internal combustion engine, new technologies have, for better or worse, fundamentally transformed our society. The emerging technologies listed have the potential to do the same. How and when they change the world, however, will depend on the geopolitical competition around their development and execution. Artificial intelligence breakthroughs like deep learning, generative AI and foundation models enable scientists to achieve previously unthinkable discoveries and accelerate scientific progress. Access to massive datasets, particularly via AI, will almost certainly expedite research, discovery and innovation. The biggest players here are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, India and China.”, Geopolitical Futures, September 13, 2024


Which Countries Drink the Most Beer? – The global beer industry is massive, contributing more than half a trillion to global GDP. From barley and hops exporters like France and Argentina to major manufacturers such as Brazil and China, the beer industry is globally interconnected while remaining highly localized. In fact, 89% of supplies used in the beer sector are produced in the domestic market where beer is sold. This graphic shows which countries drink the most beer, based on data from Kirin Holdings. As the above table shows, China, the U.S., and Brazil—the three largest consumers of beer—account for more than 40% of global beer consumption. China takes top spot, a position it has held for the last 20 consecutive years.”, Visual Capitalist and Kirin Holdings, August 30, 2024


People are splurging like never before on their pets – Would you buy your furry companion a cologne? There is little, it seems, that people won’t do for their pets. Americans spent $186bn on them last year, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, covering everything from food and vet visits to toys and grooming. That is more than they spent on childcare. Spending on pets rocketed through the covid-19 pandemic, as lonely people adopted animals then splurged on them. Between 2019 and 2023 pet spending grew by a compound annual rate of 11%, in nominal terms, compared with 6% for consumer spending overall and 5% for pet spending over the preceding decade. Plenty more growth is yet to come.”, The Economist, September 12, 2024


Emergent Risk International – What We’re Watching – Week of Sept 15, 2024. This is an amazing weekly look at global ‘hotspots’ that we recommend subscribing to. Meredith Wilson, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, started Emergent Risk International in 2014. It is one of the most timely sources of trusted global information today.


Taking Businesses Global Profitably


Global Supply Chain, Energy, Commodities, Inflation, Taxes & Trade Issues

The AI Spending Spree, in Charts – Tech giants and investors are shoveling cash into artificial intelligence amid questions about whether it will pay off. Generative artificial intelligence has sparked one of the biggest spending booms in modern American history, as companies and investors bet hundreds of billions of dollars that the technology will revolutionize the global economy and one day lead to massive profits. The question is when, and even whether, all those investments will pay off. “The risk of underinvesting is dramatically greater than the risk of overinvesting,” Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Google parent Alphabetsaid on an earnings call in July. Venture capitalists are similarly betting that at least a few AI startups could one day be worth billions or even trillions, even though most currently aren’t profitable.”,  The Wall Street Journal, September 11, 2024


Which countries have the critical minerals needed for the energy transition? An overview of the distribution of critical minerals for clean energy. The world’s energy system today is mainly powered by fossil fuels. The transition to a low-carbon one will shift its underpinnings away from coal, oil, and gas to the minerals needed for solar, wind, nuclear, batteries, and other technologies. The dynamics of the energy system will shift dramatically. Who currently produces critical minerals such as cobalt, lithium, nickel, and copper? Which countries have reserves that can be mined in the future?”, Our World In Data, September 16, 2024


Deconstructing global trade: the role of geopolitical alignment – The slowdown in global trade, which intensified following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has highlighted threats to globalisation. Since the end of the Second World War, the global economy has become increasingly integrated, with trade playing a central role. Increasing integration has been an engine of economic growth, allowing countries to specialise in the goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. However, rising geopolitical tensions have fuelled concerns about a possible retreat from globalisation, sometimes called “deglobalisation”. As an illustration, a popular measure of geopolitical risk based on press articles displays a noticeable spike around the time of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and has remained elevated thereafter. Meanwhile, the total value of global trade as a share of global GDP peaked soon after the invasion and has declined since.”, Bank of International Settlements, September 16, 2024

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Book Review

One of the key international business books released in 2024 is How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain” by Peter S. Goodman. This book provides an in-depth exploration of the vulnerabilities and complexities in global supply chains, particularly in light of recent disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Goodman highlights the intricate paths that products take from factories in Asia to consumers worldwide, revealing the ruthless business practices and financial interests that have left many communities vulnerable. This is an essential read for understanding the fragility and future of global supply chains. By the New York Times’s Global Economics Correspondent, an extraordinary journey to understand the worldwide supply chain—exposing both the fascinating pathways of manufacturing and transportation that bring products to your doorstep, and the ruthless business logic that has left local communities at the mercy of a complex and fragile network for their basic necessities. (Extracted from various sources).


Country & Regional Updates


China is suffering from a crisis of confidence – Can anything perk up its economy? According to the National Bureau of Statistics, consumer confidence collapsed in April 2022 when Shanghai and other big cities were locked down to fight the covid-19 pandemic (see chart 1). It has yet to recover. Indeed, confidence declined again in July, according to the latest survey. The figure is so bad it is a wonder the government still releases it. Gloom is not confined to consumers. Foreign companies have long complained about unfair or unpredictable policymaking. Some have declared China “uninvestible” as a consequence. Now their money is running along with their mouths. Foreign direct investment (fdi) in the country slumped to minus $14.8bn in the second quarter of this year, the worst figure on record. Any dollars ploughed in were comfortably outweighed by foreign investors selling stakes, collecting loan repayments or repatriating earnings.”, The Economist, September 5, 2024


China’s Energy Needs Keep on Rising – Beginning in the 1990s, rapid industrialization in China led to increased electricity demand for factories and infrastructure. Mass migration to cities and improved living conditions is pushing demand even higher. According to estimates by China’s national statistics department, a 1% increase in the urbanization rate increases total energy consumption by at least 60 million tons of coal.”, Visual Capitalist, August 20, 2024


European Union Countries

The Future Of European Competitiveness – Europe has been worrying about slowing growth since the start of this century. Various strategies to raise growth rates have come and gone, but the trend has remained unchanged. On a per capita basis, real disposable income has grown almost twice as much in the US as in the EU since 2000. For most of this period, slowing growth has been seen as an inconvenience but not a calamity. Europe’s exporters managed to capture market shares in faster growing parts of the world, especially Asia. Many more women entered the workforce, lifting the labour contribution to growth. And, after the crises of 2008 to 2012, unemployment steadily fell across Europe, helping to reduce inequality and maintain social welfare. The EU also benefitted from a favourable global environment. World trade burgeoned under multilateral rules. The safety of the US security umbrella freed up defence budgets to spend on other priorities. In a world of stable geopolitics, we had no reason to be concerned about rising dependencies on countries we expected to remain our friends. But the foundations on which we built are now being shaken.”, European Commission, September 2024


ECB cuts interest rates to 3.5% – Christine Lagarde says policymakers decided ‘unanimously’ on this year’s second quarter-point reduction. ECB (European Central Bank) president Christine Lagarde said Thursday’s decision to lower the benchmark deposit rate for the second time this year was “unanimously decided” — unlike the previous cut in June, when Austria’s central bank head Robert Holzmann dissented. Major central banks are now lowering rates in response to indications that the biggest inflationary surge for a generation has faded, with the US Federal Reserve expected to start cutting borrowing costs next week. Referring to the ECB’s 2 per cent inflation goal, Lagarde said recent data ‘comforts us in our confidence that we are heading towards our target’.”, The Financial Times, September 12, 2024


Latin America

Foreign Investment Trends in Latin America – Latin American countries remain trapped in a low-growth environment, hindered by economic volatility, high inequality and ineffective governance. As a result, many governments in the region are turning to foreign direct investment to spur growth. However, FDI fell by 9.9 percent last year to $184.3 billion. While mergers and acquisitions increased by 15 percent, their total value decreased by 13 percent. FDI is concentrated in a few countries. Brazil attracted 35 percent of the region’s FDI last year, followed by Mexico with 16 percent. Argentina, boosted by the new government of President Javier Milei, came in third with 13 percent, while Chile and Colombia secured 12 percent and 9 percent, respectively. The U.S. remains the largest investor in the region, with the European Union driving mergers and acquisitions. The EU showed the largest increase in FDI from 2022 to 2023, followed by Canada. China remains active but has diminished its investment role compared to a decade ago.”, Geopolitical Futures, September 6, 2024


How Populations Have Changed in the Americas (1990-2023) – Currently more than one billion people live in the Americas, an area with 35 countries and many overseas territories and dependencies. This color-coded map shows population changes by country in the Americas from 1990 to 2023. Data was sourced from the 2024 World Population Prospects from the UN. The top 14 largest countries in the Americas by population size have all seen nearly 40% population growth between 1990–2023.”, Visual Capitalist, September 5, 2024


What makes Europe so liveable? Every year the Economist Intelligence Unit (eiu), our sister company, ranks a big group of global cities on their liveability. This year’s rankings have seen quite a bit of movement. But the top of the index remains dominated by the continent that best combines stability with a high quality of culture and the environment, education, infrastructure and health care, all of which the index’s authors aim to measure objectively. When the scores are done, Europe can take another bow.”, The Economist, August 29, 2024


Eurozone inflation falls to 2.2% in August – Markets expect further ECB rate cuts following dip in price pressures. Eurozone inflation fell sharply to a three-year low of 2.2 per cent in August, bolstering expectations that the European Central Bank will reduce interest rates next month. Friday’s preliminary figure was in line with a forecast of 2.2 per cent in a Reuters poll and below last month’s rate of 2.6 per cent. ‘The inflation environment is slowly getting more benign,’ said Bert Colijn, Eurozone economist at ING, referring to the progress in bringing the headline rate of inflation close to the ECB’s 2 per cent target. The data from Eurostat came after Germany and Spain reported sharper than expected reductions in August in figures this week.”, The Financial Times, August 30, 2024



“”Germany ‘Falling Into Crisis’ as Berlin Suffers Vision Deficit – European Central Bank chiefs were vilified in Germany for much of the past decade or so……the country has suffered over the past two decades from the effects of a broad lack of vision on the part of its governments. Now, a near-ideological support for balanced federal budgets has left the economy with no one at the helm to lay out a course for growth. The appetite for setting up a new business in Germany just hit a record low, according to a survey released last week. And, back to the economic stats: Germany’s real GDP last quarter was just 0.4% bigger than five years before.”, Bloomberg, August 28, 2024



Burger King loses 13-year legal battle against Indian restaurant – Pune court rules Indian restaurant had been using name for over a decade before American chain started doing business in countryAn Indian court dismissed a suit filed by Burger King Corporation alleging trademark infringement by Burger King in Pune city, in the western state of Maharashtra, noting that the restaurant had been in operation since 1992, years before the multinational company started doing business in the country. Burger King Corporation was founded in 1953 as Insta-Burger King and rechristened Burger King in 1959. It entered the Indian market in November 2014, opening its first outlet in the capital Delhi, and arrived in Pune the next year.”, The Independent, August 20, 2024


India Port Workers Reach Pay Deal Averting Strike – The latest showdown between dockworkers in a major trading nation and their port employers appears to be ending without any significant disruptions. Port employees’ unions in India agreed to a new five-year wage dealwith government officials, averting a planned nationwide strike scheduled to start Wednesday, Bloomberg’s  Rajesh Kumar Singhand Weilun Soon report today. The new deal halts a walkout that could have involved nearly 20,000 workers and brought widespread disruption to cargo operations at some of the nation’s busiest ports. Unions at India’s 12 major state-run ports have been negotiating with the government since 2021 to try to increase pay.”, Bloomberg, August 28, 2024



Global Money Piles Into Indonesia as Fed Easing Cycle Approaches – Foreigners pour billions of dollars into its assets in August. Indonesia offers fiscal discipline, valuations with rate cuts. lobal money has flooded into Indonesia’s financial markets this month, signaling the country’s assets have quickly become a preferred investment destination as the US Federal Reserve’s easing cycle nears. Overseas investors have bought $933.8 million of the nation’s stocks in August, on course for the biggest monthly purchases since April 2022, while net inflows of $2.5 billion into bonds is the most in more than a year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The influx of money saw the rupiah briefly erase this year’s losses against the dollar, with a gain this month surpassed in Asia only by Malaysia’s ringgit.”, Bloomberg, August 26, 2024


United Arab Emirates

Guggenheim Rises in the Desert as Abu Dhabi Morphs Into Expat Hub – The emirate is attempting to draw wealthy foreigners to invest and work. All around, there are growing signs of a massive construction boom that’s changing the face of this once sleepy, oil-rich emirate, which holds about 6% of the world’s crude reserves under its sands and controls $1.5 trillion in sovereign wealth. Sprawling theme parks, five-star hotels, luxury homes, sports complexes and high-end office towers are rising at breakneck speed as the city’s rulers spend billions to diversify the economy and cater to global financial giants……who’ve set up here. The Guggenheim is part of a more than $10 billion push to boost tourism and cultural activity in the emirate, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Meantime, Abu Dhabi is also pouring billions more into building sprawling residential developments to attract rich expatriates to live and work here. Wealthy buyers from the UK, India, Spain and beyond are snapping up seaside villas costing millions.”, Bloomberg, August 25, 2024

Editor’s Note: I first traveled to the UAE in 1994. There was one western chain hotel on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, the Crown Plaza. Abu Dhabi was the very conservative capital of the Emirates that was 87 miles and a world away from even then flashy Dubai.


United Kingdom

Fish and chips price rise tops UK takeaways – Fish and chips is a British family favourite equally enjoyed around the table on a Friday night or out of the paper on an often overcast beach. But the deep fried delicacy has seen the biggest price increase of some of the UK’s most popular takeaways, according to new figures. The average price for a portion of fish and chips rose more than 50% to nearly £10 in the five years to July – while the cost of a kebab went up 44% and pizza 30%. Chip shop owners cite a “perfect storm” of costs in recent years, including soaring energy bills, tariffs on seafood imports and extreme weather hammering potato harvests.”, BBC, August 25, 2024


United States

Meet America’s Top Restaurant Groups – The 125 biggest multi-concept groups that are making their mark on communities across the country. With help from our partners at Technomic, we’ve identified 125 of the biggest restaurant groups in the country, breaking down the list by the four U.S. regions as identified by the Census Bureau: Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. Meet them below, and revisit the list throughout the year as we endeavor to profile all 125.”, Nation’s Restaurant News, August 28, 2024


Bill Edwards and Keith Gerson Announce the Formation of The Franchise Consortium


Brand & Franchising News

Potbelly – From Corporate Owned Restaurant Model To A Franchise Model – Potbelly Sandwich Shops has taken significant steps to transition from a corporate store model to a robust franchise system. Lynette McKee, CFE and Senior Vice President of Franchising at Potbelly is leading this transformation. To reach 2,000 franchised units and achieve an 85% franchise system, Potbelly is focused on maintaining its core values while expanding its presence nationwide……the transition requires more than scaling operations—it demands a careful review of existing practices, clear communication, and a commitment to staying true to the brand’s mission. At the heart of Potbelly’s strategy is a comprehensive franchise training program designed to ensure that new franchisees understand the unique elements that set Potbelly apart from competitors. This focus on training and brand consistency is crucial for maintaining the welcoming vibe that has made the brand successful.”, Forbes, August 23, 2024


Embracing AI: How Franchise Service Brands Are Revolutionizing Business Operations – The franchising and home service industries are constantly evolving, with technological advancements like artificial intelligence (AI) playing a significant role in shaping how these businesses operate. As consumer expectations shift toward more efficient and personalized services, many home service franchises are turning to AI. The demand for AI systems is expected to grow by 21% annually until 2030, further reflecting this trend. AI is also setting new standards in customer service by improving how businesses interact with and serve their customers. By managing appointments, AI can provide real-time updates, offering clients a more streamlined and efficient service experience while keeping franchise owners a step ahead of the competition. Beyond enhancing customer experiences, AI is also revolutionizing data management. While AI is beneficial for new customers, it can also double-check and organize existing data.“,, August 24, 2024


Guzman Y Guzman’s revenue soars 32 per cent – Guzman Y Guzman (Australia) delivered revenue of $342.2 million in the last fiscal year, up 32.1 per cent, thanks to opening new restaurants. However, the fast-food operator’s statutory net loss widened to $13.7 million. This is the first time the Mexican fast food chain published financial results since its initial public offering on June 20. During the fiscal year, the company saw network sales of $959.7 million, an increase of 26.4 per cent. Australian network sales grew 27.3 per cent to $894.6 million, while Singapore network sales rose 7.5 per cent to $46.4 million. Japan network sales climbed 12.3 per cent to $7.9 million and US network sales surged 81.8 per cent to $10.8 million.”, Inside Retail AU, August 27, 2024


Circle K Owner Makes a Move Toward Acquiring 7-Eleven for a Staggering Sum – If successful, the 7-Eleven acquisition would be the largest-ever foreign buyout of a Japanese company. Canada’s Alimentation Couche-Tard has reportedly approached Japan’s Seven & i Holdings, the owner of 7-Eleven, about a potential takeover valued at around $38 billion. 7-Eleven is the world’s largest convenience store chain, with more than 13,000 locations in North America and over 83,000 worldwide. If successful, the acquisition would be the largest-ever foreign buyout of a Japanese company.”, Entrepreneur magazine, August 21, 2024


Red Lobster’s new owner names former P.F. Chang’s CEO to lead chain – Damola Adamolekun will take the reins of the struggling seafood giant after a sale to Fortress Investment Group is finalized. His tenure at Chang’s made him a rising star in the industry.

 Adamolekun has a background in investment banking and was a partner at Paulson & Co. when it took a stake in P.F. Chang’s in 2019. He was then tapped to lead the Asian casual-dining chain as CEO. He helped guide Chang’s through the pandemic and led a refresh of its restaurants, menu and technology.”, Restaurant Business, August 26, 2024


Luckin Coffee planning massive overseas expansion – Latepost, a unit of Caijing Magazine, reported that Luckin is planning to expand overseas with focus on Southeast Asia and the United States. The company was not available for comment. Luckin runs over 20,000 stores in China, with its operations covering both online and offline channels.

There are 38 directly run Luckin stores in Singapore, with the first one having opened in April 2023.Unlike in China, Luckin does not prioritize its low-price approach in Singapore. In the first half of this year, Luckin started discussions with BJ Food, the franchiser of Starbucks in Malaysia, to form a joint venture for entry into the Malaysian market.  In June, Luckin announced plans to buy about 120,000 metric tons of coffee beans from Brazil from 2024 to 2025.”, China Daily, August 20, 2024. Compliments of Paul Jones, Jones & Co., Toronto


Pressure Builds on Trailblazing Chinese Bubble Tea Brand Mixue – With over 36,000 stores in China and the rest of the world, Mixue Bingcheng Co. Ltd. dominates the market by offering milk tea with tapioca, ice cream, and juice at budget-friendly prices of 2 to 10 yuan (14 U.S. cents to $1.40), far less than competitors like HeyTea and Nayuki which charge double or triple that. On the Chinese mainland, many of its stores are located in smaller cities and suburban areas, offering sugar hits to price-sensitive consumers. But now, local brands are returning fire, and analysts say the lack of product differentiation that facilitated rapid growth could become a weakness. It could also be why firms like Mixue are struggling to mount a successful listing.  China’s largest milk tea franchise was an early mover in mounting its global expansion two years before the Covid pandemic hit. But the company’s recently lapsed Hong Kong IPO has cast a shadow over the industry’s prospects.”, Caixin Global, August 23, 2024


TeaPanda opens its first European store in Barcelona and uses the TeaPanda trademark – Chabaidao, which continues to increase the number of stores in South Korea, Thailand and Australia, has extended its overseas reach to Europe and chose Barcelona, ​​Spain as the site for its first European store. Recently, a social media account named “Tea 100 Spain” was launched, announcing that the first store in Spain has officially landed near the Arc de Triomphe in Barcelona. Many local users also posted photos of the current enclosure of the store, revealing that it is currently under renovation. However, some users have doubts about the authenticity of the Spanish store’s English name being “TeaPanda” instead of “Chapanda.”,, August 21, 2024. Compliments of Paul Jones, Jones & Co., Toronto


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Our biweekly global business update newsletter focuses on what is happening around the worldthat impacts new trends, health, consumer spending, business investment, the franchise sector, economic development, and travel. We daily monitor 30+ countries, 40+ international information sources and six business sectors to keep up with what is going on in this ever-changing business environment. And our GlobalTeam™ on the ground covering 25+ countries provide us with updates about what is actually happening in their specific countries.   We do not get involved in or report on politics!

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William “Bill” Edwards: Global Advisor Is Uniquely Qualified to Steer Sr. Executives Successfully Through the Complex Waters of Going Global.  With four decades of successful international business experience spanning virtually every corner of the world and many business sectors, Bill Edwards understands the global business landscape like no other.  He has been a County Master Franchisee in five countries in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East; the Senior VP for a franchisor operating in 15 countries and a full-service consultant since 2001 taking 40+ franchisors global.

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Our latest GlobalVue™ 40 country ranking

For a complimentary 30-minute consultation on how to take your business into new countries and make money doing it. For a complimentary call with Bill Edwards click on the QR code or contact Bill at and +1 949 375 1896